Land assembly is literally like herding the cats.
You know the old analogy, any cat is likely to dart off in any direction if it gets spooked.
That’s what land assembly is all about, trying to get neighbours and communities of landowners, working and functioning together to maximise the value of their land parcels.
The Gerard Coutts & Associates business was created in 2005 and over this 20 year period, we have literally established 100’s of projects across Australia to assemble smaller and fragmented land parcels and get uniform development areas, that will in turn deliver a greater yield for the benefit of the owners.
Needless to say most of these mechanisms fall over. The strike rate is probably 1 in 10 with most projects failing because of conflict or a difference of opinion between the neighbours or adjoining owners.
I was really pleased to hear that the South Brighton Master Plan was approved by the Tasmanian Planning Commission last week.

Gerard Coutts & Associates worked with owners to form the Dylan Street Landowners Group back in 2010. The landowners group consisted of around 15 landowners who worked together to present a masterplan with the objective of rezoning their land. Ultimately the landowners group fell apart after several years of hard work resolving the masterplan for the precinct.
But the model was well received by the Brighton Council and by the state government authorities and we were really pleased that we received some acknowledgement for our work in establishing the functioning landowners group.
Across Australia there are similar areas of land that need to be assembled into sensible development areas.
Always happy to have a conversation of how these models might work for landowners.